The nudge to start the business was largely due to Jack, the Jack Russell of sorts, who refused to stay home alone.
And rightly so. Tummies don't tickle themselves and treats don't fall of plates without assistance.
Neither of us liked being apart and it would be fair to say, the business was somewhat of a cover for us to be together 24/7.
Well the time has come the walrus said, to talk of many things,
Of tools for sale and URL's and ideas that await,
customers and bling and things that go ka-ching,
And why the stage is calling you,
And whether pigs have wings.
In short, Jack has died and the business is up for sale.
Invitations are welcome to buy the equipment, stock and the two domain names; and
Please submit your inquires to

A wink and a big thank you to all the wonderful companies and individuals
that commissioned work.
It was really appreciated then, and especially now as a gift of precious time between friends.